Sunday, May 27, 2007

Visit to Ontario - May 17-23

Thusday morning I left from Abbotsford, stopped by Calgary, and then landed in the Kitchener Airport!! WestJet just started flying into Kitchener Airport on May 14th, so it's right in my back yard. Speaking of backyard, I all of a sudden recognized some of the streets from the air as we were going down and quickly snapped some pictures. Here's a few pics.

It's the one right in the middle of the picture with the off-white siding and dark brown shingles, just past the grey roof.

When I got there, Tim & Jeanette and Dan & Jolene, all their kids, and Mom & Dad.
Dad, can you send me some of the pics you took at the airport? Thanks.

Afterwards, they all came over for dinner. Amy took some pictures, I guess that's why she's not in these.


Josh (he will not give a normal face on a picture if he can help it).



Friday I went shopping in the morning, and then to Nate & Beth's for dinner and a visit. I guess I never took pictures there. They've got a nice place in Brantford and Nate's got a few projects on the go there. Lord willing, their family will have an addition in September! Congrats!

Afterwards, I went to Brian & Holly's and slept there and visited them in the morning. I played with the boys and helped with a bit of work in the garden. They also are expecting a new family member. Come December I think?

Jordan, me, Andrew.

In the afternoon, I went to Nik and Andrea's wedding. Apparently I didn't take any pictures there either!

Sunday was the baptism of Owen Josiah Enter (Rob & Liz's new born) That's #11 nephew/niece for me.

Mom and Owen

Dad playing with Kylie, Amy, Jenna, Emily, and Caleb at the baptism.

After church I went to Rob & Liz's for a couple hours. The kids were taking a nap most of the time, but I did get to see them for a little bit.

Kylie after her nap.

Caleb after his nap.
When Rob & Liz left for church in the evening, I went to Dan & Jolene's church. It was cool to see all the renovations they are doing there. THe kitchen looks like it will be awesome, Dan and Jolene! I wish I could have helped a bit with the construction. Here's their family. They also are expecting a new one in July.
Nathan - he co-operated with a nice smile :)
Josh finally kinda co-operated with a nice smile...he was kinda laughing. :)
On Monday, I went to Brampton and played sand volleyball, and then about 3 hours of barefoot soccer. If you're playing barefoot soccer...make sure you take your shoes off. Some guy decided he wouldn't and...well my foot is still swollen a week later. After that everyone went to Dikshei's and then we went home.

Tuesday I went to Grandma's and had a nice visit with her. I was glad I was able to visit her as well. Grandma is always a great encouragement to continue walking in fellowship with the Lord first and also very importantly with other believers - even if they do go to a different church. It's so easy to get caught up in our own little circles. Here's what we read in church this morning:

44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. 46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:44-47[Bible Gateway]

Says alot about the unity of the church in the early days, doesn't it?

After Grandma's house, I went to Tim & Jeanette's for the evening. They had a micro-burst or a small twister at their house about a week ago. It destroyed a trailer they were trying to sell and threw it in a ditch down the road, destroyed the kids playground, and Tasha's doghouse. It also blew over some trees and took some shingles off the shed.

Here's Tasha and Lady.

Amy being a mama (nice assortment of outfits Amy :)
Their family (also expecting an addition in ...December?)
Amy and Laura were taking some pictures with my camera while they were in bed/sleeping bags. There were some glamourous pictues, huh Jeanette? Here's a cute picture of Laura. Amy took this pic from the top bunk.
Wednesday I spent the day with Mom & Dad. We went out for breakfast in the morning, I went shopping with Dad, and then we sat and played games for the rest of the day. It was a nice relaxing day. I'm glad you took the day off, Dad. Here's a picture of our house from the ground, just as I was about to leave.
Here's Calgary Airport on my way back. Those spots are snow! It was about 30 Celcius when I left Ontario, snowing in Calgary, and then about 15 Celcius when I got back to Abbottsford.
Here's a sunset in the airplane above the clouds.
It was a great vacation! I'm so glad I was able to see all of you that I saw - especially family. I was able to fit in a wedding and baptism, and even though I never actually made it to Cambridge for church, I was still able to see many of my friends at the wedding.

God be with you till we meet again!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Daybreak Point Bible Camp

On this beautiful Sunday afternoon, I'm finally getting around to posting another blog. Well, it's not actually that sunny today and I actually thought I was going to get wet driving with the top off today, but So far it has not rained and my car is still dry.

Daybreak Point Bible Camp, located on the beautiful Anvil Island, was a lot of fun.
HERE and HERE (Google Satellite Image). It turned out that there weren't very many people my age there, so I mostly hung around with the younger 'kids' playing sports and such. I also went out with Andy.

I got to the marina at 9:00 and we had to take the water taxi to the island. About a 20 minute boat ride there and I got my cabin right on the ocean.

My cabin is the one on the right, a little lower down. The other is a sauna I believe. Below is basically the view I had from my cabin. Not bad, huh?
Here's a bunch of the guys I played with for the two days.

Here's Felix. He was one of the first ones I met, before we got on the boat even. He was a nice guy. He played basketball and hackey sack with us. He also tried to teach me some Spanish pick-up lines...but I forgot them all already. Too bad.

Andy has a license for prawn fishing. He had set out some traps and we went out and emptied them. There were about 2 foot swells on the water and having the boat stopped for 15mins - 1/2 hour to pull up traps, empty them, fix them, and re-bait them got a little much for me after the fourth trap line and I had to get rid of my taco salad from lunch over the side of the boat. After that I felt much better.

We didn't have a very large catch - about 40-50 prawn in about 10 traps - some had none in them.

After a game of soccer...

and some dinner...

and chapel...

We had a fire and we cooked marshmallows and prawn over the fire.

After the fire we played ball hockey in the gym for about an hour and then we had to be in bed and the lights went out at 11:00. They litterally went out at 11:00 because that's when they shut off the generator for the camp.
Sunday morning we had chapel again. The theme for the weekend was about friends. Choosing them wisely and how to be a good friend. We 'interviewed' the person beside us and then we were given the responsibility to pray for that person.

We played some frisbee, had lunch and then Brant and I went for a quick dip. Oh boy was that cold!

We played some more frisbee, caught some crabs and an eel, and packed up and then we took the taxi back to the mainland at 4:00pm.

9 Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 (Bible Gateway)

24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly,[a]
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 (Bible Gateway)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Pictures work now!!

Well, most of them do anyway. I noticed that the ones that worked showed the link in the bottom of the Internet Explorer and the ones that didn't work didn't show it. So, I did a little HTML fiddling and figured out the problem and now I'm just typing in some HTML for all the pictures and they should all work soon. I did a bunch of them tonight and more another night!! Now people can actually view the pictures in a size that shows something. Well, good night for now. I'll post some pics from my weekend soon hopefully. I had a good time there - it's a beautiful camp!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Cabin at William's Lake

Well, I just realized that when people post comments I have to "publish" or "reject" them. I still haven't figured out how to make all the pictures work, but I'll just put them on here anyway and hopefully they all of a sudden work :)

Last weekend the Lynden youth group went up to a cabin at William's Lake. We had a lot of fun there. We did some singing inside by the fire (with the spiders :))
...and playing games...

and we had a fire outside too, even though it was raining (yes, that's rain, not snow - it's just the flash).

The next morning I got up early when Brian left for Silver Lake (I can't sleep after waking up usually). They got in an accident on the way up there, but thankfully no one got hurt! Thank you God!

I played with my camera taking pictures on different settings. Here's a picture of the jungle there:

and a cool picture of a flower with rain drops on it:

I drained the battery, so I didn't take many pictures for the rest of the day. A bunch of us went to Silver Lake and played ultimate frisbee and had lunch there. On the way back I took some pics of a bunch of old cars that are for sale at some farm by my house:

They all seem to have motors in them but the interior is gone. One of them had a price of $4000 on it. The others I don't know. Anyone want one? I can help you ship it if you want :)

When I got back, I looked at my was kinda dirty:

When I washed it, there was mud running down the driveway.

I bought a ticket the other day so that I can fly home for the long weekend (plus a few days before and after). That will be great to see my family again :) This weekend I'm going to a camp for a couple days ( - that should be fun.

(Google Satelite image of the camp: HERE)