Daybreak Point Bible Camp, located on the beautiful Anvil Island, was a lot of fun.
HERE and HERE (Google Satellite Image). It turned out that there weren't very many people my age there, so I mostly hung around with the younger 'kids' playing sports and such. I also went out with Andy.
I got to the marina at 9:00 and we had to take the water taxi to the island. About a 20 minute boat ride there and I got my cabin right on the ocean.
My cabin is the one on the right, a little lower down. The other is a sauna I believe. Below is basically the view I had from my cabin. Not bad, huh?
Here's a bunch of the guys I played with for the two days.
Here's Felix. He was one of the first ones I met, before we got on the boat even. He was a nice guy. He played basketball and hackey sack with us. He also tried to teach me some Spanish pick-up lines...but I forgot them all already. Too bad.
Andy has a license for prawn fishing. He had set out some traps and we went out and emptied them. There were about 2 foot swells on the water and having the boat stopped for 15mins - 1/2 hour to pull up traps, empty them, fix them, and re-bait them got a little much for me after the fourth trap line and I had to get rid of my taco salad from lunch over the side of the boat. After that I felt much better.
We didn't have a very large catch - about 40-50 prawn in about 10 traps - some had none in them.
We had a fire and we cooked marshmallows and prawn over the fire.
After the fire we played ball hockey in the gym for about an hour and then we had to be in bed and the lights went out at 11:00. They litterally went out at 11:00 because that's when they shut off the generator for the camp.
Sunday morning we had chapel again. The theme for the weekend was about friends. Choosing them wisely and how to be a good friend. We 'interviewed' the person beside us and then we were given the responsibility to pray for that person.
We played some frisbee, had lunch and then Brant and I went for a quick dip. Oh boy was that cold!

We played some more frisbee, caught some crabs and an eel, and packed up and then we took the taxi back to the mainland at 4:00pm.
9 Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 (Bible Gateway)
24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly,[a]
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 (Bible Gateway)

Hey Steve! I had no clue you had a blog! I just spent a quarter hour reading and looking at the whole thing; much fun :) I can hardly recognize your version of the West; so many different people than those I've seen. Sounds fascinating though, as does Daybreak Point Bible Camp. Hope to see you soon, cousin!
Glad you had a nice time there Steve. That is a beautiful view from your cabin. Is that the ocean or a lake (don't know much about prawns but I'm guessing they're in salt water?)
Well, technically I guess it would be a bay (if you look at the google satelite images you can tell) but it is salt water and people were calling it the ocean. (when is it bay and when is it ocean? i dunno)
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