Thursday, April 12, 2007

More pics.

Well, I've got a few more pics to post. I haven't figured out yet why some of them I can click on and others I can't...but one of these days I will and then hopefully I can fix it.

Here's a pic at Kyle's house.

Kyle's garage

They were practicing some songs and I just came to hang out. I picked up the keyboard for a few minutes, but that was short lived because I couldn't hear it and I didn't know the songs they were playing. I recorded some of the songs on my camera though so I can learn them hopefully. I didn't fall asleep this time. On the way back from Kyle's Hunter left his cell phone on the back of his car and it didn't fare so well. We found it smashed/driven over a little ways down the road when we went back to look for it.

Miata's at Kyles

Miata's by truckHere's a couple pics of my red miata and Hunter's white one. He decided after about 5 minutes in mine that he wanted to get we went down to Seattle a couple weeks later to look at one and we brought it back. We could almost put one in the back of his dad's truck! You might notice the new wheels on my miata. Everyone thinks they make the car look much better - I'd have to agree. Now all I have to do is get that soft top installed...after I get the few parts I need for it shipped out here.


Brandy said...

sweet pictures :) i'm still laughing that Hunter actually fits inside a miata... :)lol

see you tonight!

Mark said...

nice...I found you!

Anonymous said...

I was here,
